A deep dive in the Order Detail View - giving you a closer, more detailed look into your orders.
- Customer Info
- Payment Details
- Shipping/Pickup Details
- Order Notes & Info
- Order Line Items
- Quantity Discounts
- Order Summary
- Order Timeline
Looking for how to edit your existing orders? Check out the dedicated guide for that here!
Navigating to Order Details
- Click on the Order Number to open your Order Details
Order Data
At the top of your order details you will see the following order data:
- Store/Order Number
- Customer
- Order Date
- Ship Date
- Order Total
- Order Status
- Payment Status
To the right of the order data you have an immediate action to:
- Print Packing Slip
- Print Work Order
- Download Render Package
Under More Actions (3 dot icon):
- Resend Receipt
- Print Receipt
- Mark Ready to Ship or Ready for Pickup
- Add Payment
- Cancel Order
NOTE: Order Cancellation Emails are preset and able to be edited via their corresponding Email Templates in the Admin Portal. Please see the guide HERE for instructions. You can also uncheck the option to send an email altogether.
Looking to make some changes to an existing order? CLICK HERE.
Customer Info
This is the information your shopper entered through the ordering process. If your shopper has an account with you, the order will be visible within their account under Customers.
Payment Details
Payment details gives you the high-level payment information your shopper entered for their order. This information coincides a bit with what your Cart Settings are set to; i.e. Purchase Order Number, Credit Card used/last four digits of the card shown, Arrange Later, Transaction ID, Surcharge amount, etc.
Within this section you have the ability to:
- Request Payment- You can send a payment request to your customer so they can make a credit card payment on their end. Click Here to learn more about this option!
- Add Payment- You can add a payment to the order as an admin:
- Debit/Credit Card entry (if your shopper gives you that information over the phone or in person)
- Cash/Other (to allow you to record that the payment was made)
Transaction ID
Along with the payment details, you can view the Transaction ID in order to reference the ID accurately with your payment processor. This will allow you to easily compare and confirm your transactions between InkSoft and the Payments portal.
Here is an example of the Transaction ID:
For more info on Payments and Transactions in the Payments Dashboard, CLICK HERE.
Shipping/Pickup Details
Depending on the selection made by your shopper you will be shown:
- Shipping Carrier/Method/Ship To Location
- Pickup Name/Location
- Pickup Details/Instructions (if applicable)
- Estimated Pickup OR Expected Delivery Date
Shipping Details:
When shipping has been selected by your shopper, you have the ability to do both of the following within the order itself:
- Record Shipment
USE CASE: As the shop owner, you already have the shirts printed and ready to go. You have printed a label externally and would like to move this directly to completed. By recording the shipment within the order, you have the ability to bypass the Purchase Shipping Label step, moving this order straight to a completed status.
- Purchase Shipping Label
USE CASE: As the shop owner you already have the shirts printed and ready to go. Since you are already within the order, you would like to print directly from here vs. marking it ready to ship and doing it at a later date.
- Edit Pencil gives you the ability to change what has been entered by the shopper.
USE CASE: Customer called and wants to expedite their order changing it from Ground to First Class Mail. OR customer calls and would like to change from shipping to pickup or delivery option.
Pickup Details:
When pickup has been selected by your shopper, you have the ability to:
- Record Pickup
USE CASE: Document who at a school picked up all the items to be distributed. This is your insurance so that if a child's mom reaches out to ask who picked up her son's soccer uniform, you can let them know that Coach Smith did.
- Edit Pencil gives you the ability to change what has been entered by the shopper.
USE CASE: Customer called and would like to change the location from your shop to his child's school. OR customer calls and would like to change from pickup to shipping.
Order Notes
Leave a high-level note that everyone on your team needs to know about this order (internal only.)
Example:JPcalled in and needs to expedite this order due 'X' date. I updated the shipping info and forgave the extra $3.50.
Order Info
This section will show any additional information you requested within checkout.
- Email Address
- Custom Checkout Fields (if applicable)
- Gift Message (if applicable)
Products (Order Line Items)
Any product within your order is shown as an individual line item. It will show you the following details:
- Product Name
- Style/SKU
- Garment Color
- Sizes
NOTE: Next to your sizes you will see your garment's purchasing status. This relates to the Purchasing section of the Jobs add-on solution, and it will either show you Needs Purchasing or Received.
Production card number will be shown underneath your product image. To the far right of the production card you will see the Job Number and Stage your production card is within (these stages are built by you, the shop owner!)
If this is a brand new order and your production cards are not assigned to a job, the Job ID Number and Stage will not be visible.
NOTE: A production card is part of the Production section of the Jobs add-on solution, and is automatically generated once an order is placed. You can have a maximum of 4 production cards per product due to print location (i.e. front, back, left sleeve, right sleeve.) A production card will be generated for each design location for every unique item within the order.
Quantity Discounts
The order details will also reflect any quantity discounts that products may have. Products with quantity discounts will display a green tag in the top-left corner that says "QUANTITY DISCOUNT". On the hover preview of the item pricing, you will see the original Product Price, and the Quantity Discount amount. The subtotal here will reflect the discounted pricing for the items, and this same price will be reflected in the order Summary for the Item Subtotal - no quantity discounts will display separately in the order Summary:
Looking to partially edit or update an order? CLICK HERE.
Order Summary
Order summary gives you a breakdown of:
- Total Item Count
- Item Subtotal
- Total Print Price (if applicable)
- Shipping & Handling
- Tax
- Order Total
Use Case: As the shop owner you had a to do some significant work on the artwork and would like to add a $25.00 art fee to this order prior to the start of production. OR there was a delay with the order and you would like to give a 5% discount/return for any frustration on the customers side.
Order Timeline
Provides important information about the orders history and activities.
NOTE:This is generally automatic but you can manually "Leave a comment" as well.
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