All Orders
The default view will be a list of all your orders, filtered automatically to Open orders. Any order that has not yet been Completed, (or Cancelled) is considered an Open order. You can also choose to filter by Completed, Cancelled, or you can actually choose to view All Orders in a list regardless of status.
This list view of your orders also has additional Filter options, as well as various Bulk Actions you can take to start processing your orders.
Pending Approval
If you require approval for your orders in any of your stores, these orders will show up here in the Pending Approval section first. It's important to note that these orders will NOT show in the All Orders section until you have approved them.
Ready to Ship
Any orders that become ready for shipping (or that have been manually marked as "Ready to Ship") will automatically be organized in this section. Keep in mind that the orders will also continue to be visible in the All Orders section, but will have the appropriate order status of "Ready to Ship" for reference. Visit the Ready to Ship section to complete the final step in the order workflow: Recording Shipments.
Ready to Pick Up
Any orders that are ready to be picked up by the shopper (or that have been manually marked as "Ready to Pick Up") will automatically be organized in this section. Keep in mind that the orders will also continue to be visible in the All Orders section, but will have the appropriate order status of "Ready for Pick Up" for reference. Visit the Ready to Pick Up section to complete the final step in the order workflow: Marking Orders as 'Picked Up'.
Sorting & Filtering Orders
1. Under All Orders, Use the order type drop-down to view:
- Open Orders
- Completed Orders
- Canceled Orders
- All Orders
2. You can Search for a specific order:
The Search bar is located in any list view for your orders, right at the top-center of the page. Search by customer email address, by order number, etc. to find the order you're looking for.
3. The Filter menu on the right provides more ways to further filter your results to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Here are just a few of the many filter options available:
- Stores
- Order Date Range
- Ship/Pick Up Date Range
- Payment Status
4. Once you have the order results you need, you can also Sort your orders information to find something quickly and easily. Simply click on a column in the list view to change the sort order.
Bulk Actions
When you're ready to work on your orders, you can take advantage of the various Bulk Actions available in the order manager. Visit the Bulk Actions in Orders help article to learn more!
Payment Status
In addition to the Order Status, every order will also have a Payment Status you can review. Here is a list of payment statuses an order can have:
- Paid
- Not Paid
- Partial Paid
- Refund Due
- Refunded
- Past Due
- Declined
- Processing
- Failed
- Dispute In Process
There will be 3 scenarios that can occur upon checkout:
1. Successful Order - Payment is accepted, the order is created and labeled as Paid
2. Pending / On Hold / Under Review Order - Payment is sent to the processor, process flags the payment as 'under review', the order is then created within InkSoft Orders, the order status will now be labeled as 'Pending' (Any orders that are in a pending status will still be included in Reports, Purchasing, and Production)
3. Declined Order - If a payment is instantly declined by the processor, an error will show 'Declined' to the shopper. In this case, the order will NOT be created within InkSoft.
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