This feature allows you to create a Signage product manually. You also have the ability to add Signage products from our integrated supplier, Sinalite!
Getting Started
- From the Inksoft Dashboard, select the Products tab.
- Click Add New Products.
- Click New Signage Product.
On the next page, enter the product information outlined in red:
- Product Name: This is the public name of the product.
- Supplier: The specific supplier for the product.
- MFG: The specific manufacturer for the product.
- SKU: The Supplier SKU for the product.
- MFG SKU: The Manufacturer SKU for the product.
Shape: The shape that best represents your signage and the shape shown within the Online Designer. This can be one of the following:
- Square/Rectangle
- Circle
- Angled Banner
- Championship Banner
- Concave Banner
- Convex Banner
- Straight Banner
- Teardrop Banner
- Product Description: The specific description for the signage product. This will be visibly to customers.
Once all of the above have been selected, hit Save. This will create your blank signage product.
Many of the settings for Signage Products are very similar to regular blank products.
- Select the default product size for the product.
- Select the Unit of Measurement (Note: this can be ft., m., or in.,)
- Fill in the size and weight of the product (Note: weights are required to be entered as they will be pulled to calculate shipping).
- Click the + to add each additional size to the product. (Note: only available for Square/Rectangle or Circle shapes).
- Click the trash can to remove a size from the product.
- Check the box under Available Sides to enable the back side of the product.
- Mark the product as active, and place it in the appropriate store and category.
Important Note:
- Signage product sizes act as the Print Region when entering the designer. You will see a cut and bleed line through the designer (1/4 in. between).
- Unit of Measurement (ft, m, and in.) can be changed for scalable shapes such as Squares/Rectangles and Circles.
- Certain shapes and their sizes are predetermined to ensure that the product's shape is shown accurately within the Designer.
- Angled: 55x5x200, 60x260, 80x390
- Champion: 48x72, 48x96
- Circle: Any
- Concave: 55x200, 60x260, 80x340, 8x390
- Convex: 55x200, 60x260, 80x340, 80x390
- Rectangle: Any
- Straight: 55x200, 60x260, 80x340, 80x450
- Teardrop: 110x265, 120x360, 75x170, 95x205
General Tab Continued
- Include Grommets: Enabling this checkbox will not ask your shopper if they would like to include them or not. Pricing of grommets should be considered when calculating total price of the product.
- Set the Max Print Colors that can be printed on this product.
- Set the Product Minimums per order.
Colors & Images Tab
- Add the name of the color.
- Mark the color as Active.
- Add a Hex value for the Primary Color (Note: the secondary color is optional).
- Click on the blue Upload button to upload your product image (Note: The image file should be sized at 500x500 pixels and should be a PNG file). This will only be the preview image for shown in the Product Catalog prior to pulling the signage product into the Online Designer.
- Click Add New Color if another color option needs to be added in.
- Make sure to Save all changes!
Pricing Tab
All Signage product pricing is set at the individual product level or through a bulk price upload. They do not associate with print pricing grids - the price associated with the product will be all inclusive.
- Set Base Product Cost: Set the cost of the product by using a fixed price or a price per square unit (ft, m or in).
- Set Base Customer Price: Set the customer price here using a fixed price, price per square ft, m or in or a pricing rule. To apply a pricing rule, select from the dropdown provided.
- Cost Per Sq Unit: Set your product's price by a rate applied to each size (sq ft., sq m., or sq in.) The metric can be changed / updated on the General tab.
- Fixed Cost: Set a static price for the product that applies to each size.
- Enter any product cost or product price overrides that will apply to the specific color.
- Click Save when done.
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