Add newly released clip art and design ideas to your stores
Adding New Design Ideas & Clip Art
- Hover over the Art
- Hover over Art Libraries
- Select Clip Art OR Design Ideas
- Preview designs: Click the category thumbnail to view all of the designs. Click the thumbnail again to hide the previews.
- Select the store and category you wish to add your art to.
Please note, The default / suggested category is pre-selected. You can add to more than one category at a time.
- Click the plus sign to the right to add in another store and category configuration if needed.
- Background color (optional): You can define the background color for the designs to display against by clicking into the box to the right of the category selection. We generally recommend not adding a background color.
- Save: You MUST click save at each individual category.
We will notify you through System Message, Blog Post, and Email when we release new artwork!
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