Add the ability to send your orders to Shopworks!
Our Integrations API allows you to generate a dedicated API Key to use with third party integrations. If you are an existing API customer, this Integration API Key will not impact your main API Key.
In order to access the required areas in InkSoft to setup this integration, you will need to have Fulfillment Store Manager or Fulfillment Store Admin access.
Generate API Key within InkSoft
- Go to InkSoft Core > Inksoft Integrations > Generate Key. You will be given a key that you will need for OnSite.
OnSite Navigation
- Login to Onsite and navigate to your User Tool labeled as Settings. Click on the Order API button. Click Add, give it a name (InkSoft Source Logo as an example). Then turn on the Enable Switch. Click the blue arrow to enter into the API Settings and select the type of API as InkSoft and click OK. Enter your Store url and insert the Key you generated from within InkSoft.
- In OnSite, go down to the User Tool and a popup will appear that has all of your Settings click on Order API then click Add and name the API integration, then enable it. Enter the integration and select what Type of API you will use (InkSoft), click OK.
- Supplemental Settings, Sales Tax Setting, Discount Settings will all be similar to other APIs in OnSite. You can also Create Customers with this API. Be sure to set your Size Translation Table.
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