Manage your marketing options for Geo Tags and Crawling Bots
- Hover over Marketing
- Hover over Advanced
- Click Options
Geo Tags
Geotagging is the process of adding geographical information to various media in the form of metadata. The data usually consists of coordinates like latitude and longitude, but may even include bearing, altitude, distance and place names
- Check the box next to your store name
- Enter in your Latitude/Longitude coordinates
- Click Save
- Look Up will allow you to search for you Latitude/Longitude coordinates
Crawling Bots
Search Engines use "bots" or "crawlers" (sometimes called spiders) to automatically retrieve thousands of pages on your site. Only relevant pages that will help your search engine rankings should be open to bots.
NOTE: You should at minimum allow bots to crawl your product pages.
Important: Any options that are unchecked, the system will ask bots/crawlers to ignore those pages.
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