Create a Purchase Order in the Purchasing section to organize the blank goods in need of ordering from a supplier.
What's a Purchase Order?
A purchase order (PO) is a document issued to a wholesale blank product supplier. It is used to control the purchasing of blank products that needed to fulfill open orders. A PO indicates a list of blank products that need to be purchased, including their quantities, sizes, and colors.
POs can be created within InkSoft to keep track of products that need to be ordered from a supplier, as well as marking off products that have been received after ordering. (Note: Any POs created in InkSoft will not automatically be placed with a supplier.)
Creating A Purchase Order
- From the Needs Purchasing view, select the products to include within the PO by selecting the checkbox besides the product. These products are automatically displayed based on the open orders in within the Order Manager. Products can be selected in bulk or individually based on the quantities, sizes, or colors in need of ordering.
- After selecting one or more products, the Create PO action on the top right corner of the screen.
- Select the desired supplier from the dropdown. (Note: All POs must be tied to a specific supplier.)
- Complete optional fields, if desired. Optional fields include:
- Reference Number: Add a custom reference number to associate to the purchase order.
- Tracking: Add a supplier-provided tracking number to monitor shipping.
- Expected Delivery Date: The date in which you expect products to be delivered.
- PO Notes: Any notes that may be relevant that should be tied to the PO.
- Select the Create PO button to complete the process.
- A success message will display, showing that the PO was created successfully.
- That new PO can be accessed with the Purchased tab.
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