Search Engine Optimization in Stores
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine. It’s an organic marketing technique, and the listings usually show up beneath the AdWords ads when you do a search.
SEO Settings
- Click Store Admin
- Click Settings (Gear Icon)
- Click SEO Settings
Meta Title
Title tags will tell the search engines what your website about it a short, clear and concise definition.
Example: Tempe Aztec High School Spiritwear
This title will show as a blue link in your search engine results.
Meta Description
The description, also known as a snippet, is a short paragraph that describes the webpage. Meta descriptions will appear under your page's URL in the search results.
Example: Help Support the Tempe Aztecs and Show your School Pride! 10% of all sales will support Aztec Athletics!
Focus Key Words
A Focus Key Word is the main word you are thinking people will use to search to find your site.
Example: Tempe Aztec High School
Make sure to Save and Publish your SEO entry!
Looking for further information?
SEO has changed a lot over the past 10 years as Google’s refined their algorithm to make it harder to “game the system.”
This means that SEO is not an overnight process. It’s a technique that grows over time. Anyone that tells you they can get you on to the front page of Google quickly either doesn’t know what they’re talking about or they’re trying to scam you. (Or they’re talking about AdWords, where you can pay for a first-page listing).
It’s a good idea to have at least the basics of SEO in place so that your website can begin gaining traction on Google. Even if you don’t have a blog (blog articles are the main channel of building up your Google ranking).
External Links
- Details as to what is paid and what is organic listings in Google: Paid vs. Organic
- Buffer’s SEO Guide (Beginners Guide to SEO): Beginners Guide
- Search Engine Journal's SEO Guide (Complete Guide to SEO): Complete Guide
- You can use Google Keyword Tool to look up your keywords for your business. You can also utilize this tool to look up what others are using in your area/industry: Keyword Planner
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