We understand that sometimes customers need to cancel service. We hope we can help you resolve your challenge without needing to cancel if possible. But if cancellation is what you need, we want to make the process secure and hassle-free.
The quickest and easiest way for us to meet your needs is to first understand them. Further down on this page, there is a link that will take you to a short request form. We utilize this information to understand your situation and initiate the cancellation process.
Please take some time to review our Cancellation Policy below before you submit the request. We don't want you to be surprised in the process.
Please allow up to 2-3 business days for our team to reach out to you to confirm your request.
For Security purposes, InkSoft will not cancel your account before receiving both the complete request form AND receiving a verbal confirmation from an authorized representative on the account. (Example: we do not want some unauthorized person such as a former or disgruntled employee cancelling your account.)
InkSoft's Cancellation Policy
Cancellation of Account by You: If at any time, You wish to cancel Your account, You may do so by reviewing the Account Cancellation help guide and filling out a Cancellation Request form. Cancellation requests cannot be made via phone, email, voicemail, or any other means. If Your account is cancelled for ninety (90) or more days, Your content and data will be deleted permanently. You will be required to pay the reactivation fee in addition to all outstanding Fees due before your account will be reactivated and the cancellation lifted.
Once Your account has been cancelled You will have until the last day of the calendar month in which the cancellation occurred to obtain any information from the account before it is no longer accessible (reports, customer lists, invoices, etc.). After Your account has been cancelled for more than 90 days the data will be permanently deleted from our system. You are eligible to reactivate Your account at any time unless we have terminated this SUA for cause or for convenience.
Re-Activation Fee: If Your account is cancelled for any reason and You wish to re-activate it, You will be charged a re-activation fee of $499, regardless of the amount of time elapsed between cancellation and reactivation. Upon reactivation, Your account level will be the equivalent of the most comparable level available on the date of reactivation. InkSoft may amend the amount of this reactivation fee at any time effective immediately without notice to You. The re-activation fee will not be refundable under any circumstances.
Chargebacks and Returned Check Fees: In the event that You initiate a chargeback on Your Payment Form, InkSoft may assess a processing fee in the amount of $50.00 per chargeback. InkSoft may assess a fee in the amount of $50.00 for each returned check. InkSoft may amend the amount of the chargeback and returned check fees at any time effective immediately without notice to You.
Refunds: If You cancel Your Services and terminate this SUA within fifteen (15) days of payment of the Activation Fee, we will issue You a refund of all Fees paid less the Monthly Fee for the first month of Services and the Connection Fee. CONNECTION FEES AND REACTIVATION FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.
Payment Forms: You may modify Your Payment Form information at any time by contacting InkSoft Support at 1.800.410.3048 Ext. 1 or by logging in to Your account and updating Your billing information. InkSoft does not accept the modification of Payment Form by email.
Cancellation/Refund Policy: If we receive notification from You that You wish to cancel Your account WITHIN 15 days of the date of Your account activation, we will issue a refund of all Fees paid less $499, which represents the non-refundable Connection Fee portion of the One-Time Activation Fee. If You elect to cancel Your License and/or account or Your License or Account is terminated 15 or more days from the date of Your Account’s activation, all One-Time Activation Fees, Connection Fees, Reactivation Fees and previously paid Monthly Fees are non-refundable.
Cancellation Request Form
Please access the link HERE to fill out the form. We will reach out to you soon for the next steps.
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