Price flexibility along with access to print shipping labels
After entering the UPS account credentials, you will be required to fill out the UPS invoice information for the following fields in order to continue:
- Last Invoice Date
- Last Invoice Number
- Invoice Control ID
- Last Invoice Amount
- Save
Creating a Shipping Method with Full Price Control
- Click UPS Accordion
- Click Shipping Method
- Click Add New Shipping Method.
Fill out the following information (Below is the most important information needed for this method to be active for your shoppers):
- Name: The name of the new shipping method (example: to school name)
- Production Time: Number of days required to process orders
- Days In Transit Min: The minimum number of days required to transport the shipment
- Days In Transit Max: The maximum number of days required to transport the shipment
Note: Process days added to the min/max shipping time will be the estimated shipping time (business days).Ex. 7 process days and a Min Transit of 3, Max Transit of 5, would give an estimated shipping time of 10-15 days.
- Active: Allow customers to use this Shipping Method
- Sort Order: The order this shipping option will show up in the shipping list on the cart
Note: Most business owners choose to display shipping methods in order of least to most expensive.
- Stores: Assign this shipping method exclusively to any single store or all stores
- Permitted Shipping Destinations: The first 4 are allowances. You are allowed to ship to unknown addresses, residential addresses, commercial addresses, and PO boxes (recommended to have all 4 checked)
- Click Save
Update Pricing
After saving your method details:
- Click Shipping Method
- Click $ icon to configure pricing
- Here you can enter pricing breaks for the selected calculation method (weight, Item total, or item count) For Example, see below:
0.0LBS -- 4.9LBS = $5.00
5.0LBS -- 9.9LBS = $7.50
10.0LBS -- & above = $12.00
Note: There cannot be any conflicts between ranges.
- Plus Sign (+): This will allow you to add another break to your shipping price
- Click Save
Successfully Created a Shipping Method
After you create your shipping method(s), it will appear as seen below. To manage the newly created method(s):
- Click the Method Name to edit (opens up the settings/form as seen above).
- Click $ Icon to edit your pricing structure
- Click the Trash Can to delete a method
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