Learn how to utilize the new Designer in any of your Online Stores
Turning the Designer On
If you are using both the Stores solution and the Designer solution, enabling the new Designer in your store couldn't be easier. Every one of your stores will have the ability to use the Designer, and it's just a matter of turning it Off / On!
When signed in as an Admin in any store:
- Click on Store Admin
- On the left, click on Store Settings
- Click on Designer
Here you will see the option to turn the Designer Off / On. You will also see a list of the Designer Display Settings. Choose which options you will need enabled or not for your Designer in that specific store. You can also add additional messaging to the "Upload Art Terms" if you wish:
Note: The option to enable the Designer and to configure the Designer settings will also be available when you are first building a new Store. This will be one of the steps in the Store Builder.
Featured Settings
There is one particular setting that is important to pay attention to, and it can be critical to your workflow when it comes to Designer orders! That is the option to Require Approval for Designer Order:
If you turn this on, any order containing a custom-designed product from the Designer will require you to Approve the order before you can begin working on it in Purchasing and Production. This will be done in the Order Manager under the Pending Approval view.
Add Art to the Designer in Bulk
Now you can add Design Ideas and Clipart to your Designer in bulk! The new "ADD" feature will let you easily add artwork from another Designer and store you already have. Watch the video below to learn more!
How to Access the Designer from the Storefront
As soon as you enable the Designer and Save & Publish the change, you will see a link in the store's header called "CREATE". This link will take the user to the blank product catalog you have configured for this store. They can then choose their product, product color, and begin decorating the product in the Designer.
To change the name of the link users will click on to access the Designer:
- Go to Style Editor
- Hover over the header in your store, and click EDIT
- On the left, you will see the header settings. Make sure "Display Create Link" is enabled, then look for "Create Link Text".
- Type in the new name for the Designer link (it can say "DESIGNER" or "DESIGN NOW", for example)
- Save & Publish your change
- Go back to Store front to see the new link
Note: You can also enable the "CREATE" link in the footer of a store. You can customize the link name here as well.
To link Store Components to the Designer:
1. Click on the CREATE link (or custom name) in your header. You will be taken to the Designer guided walkthrough page, and you will see the blank product catalog.
2. At the top of your browser, you can see the Designer web address/url. Copy the url.
You can now use that url to provide links to the Designer via different Store Components. The Content Block, Hero Space/Banner, Slideshow, and Call To Action components are all different ways you can link to the Designer. Click Here to learn more about Store Components.
Example seen above: Call To Action component that has been customized to provide another way to access the Designer in a store.
Create Designs & Decorate Products in the Designer
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