Allows you to create your own method for custom shipping (i.e. at High School, from Owner, at Gym, to Business)
Create a Custom Shipping Method (Optional)
Now that you have the Custom Shipping Account out of the way. Let's create a specific method for your shoppers to choose from.
- Click on the Account you want to open (i.e. Local Pick Up)
- Click Shipping Method
- Click Add New Shipping Method
Note: You will receive an error message stating that "No shipping methods have been configured yet..." - This will remove upon method creation.
Create Custom Shipping Method Continued
Fill out the following information to create the shipping method.
- Name: The name of the new shipping method (example: to school name)
- Store: Assign this shipping method exclusively to any single store or all stores
- Description (Optional): Internal description - Only you and other admins will see
- Calculation: Pricing based on weight, item total, or by item count
- Production Time: Number of days required to process orders
- RUSH Markup %: A percentage (%) markup applied to each item shipped
- Days In Transit Min: The minimum number of days required to transport the shipment
- Days In Transit Max: The maximum number of days required to transport the shipment
- No Discounts: Do not allow for the shipping price to be discounted
- No Shipping Address: Do not ask for a shipping address in the Shopping Cart (recommended for Pick-up options only)
- Shipping Restrictions: The first 4 are allowances. You are allowing to ship to unknown addresses, residential addresses, commercial addresses and PO boxes (recommended to have all 4 checked)
- Active: Allow customers to use this Shipping Method
- Sort Order: The order this shipping option will show up in the shipping list on the cart
- Shipping Price: Enter a number in for your price (We will update this below)
Click Save
Update Pricing
After saving your method details:
- Click Shipping Method
- Click $ icon to configure pricing
- Here you can enter pricing breaks for the selected calculation method (weight, Item total, or item count) Example below:
0.0LBS -- 4.9LBS = $5.00
5.0LBS -- 9.9LBS = $7.50
10.0LBS -- & above = $12.00
Note: There cannot be any conflicts between ranges.
- Plus Sign (+): This will allow you to add another break to your shipping price
- Click Save
Store Override Schedule (Optional)
This will allow you to make custom pricing for a specific store
(Optional because you can price this method for all stores)
- Click Add New Store Override Schedule
- Select the Store from the dropdown
- Enter a starting value -- this can be adjusted later
- Click Save
Update Pricing
Once the override has been saved you can now edit your pricing as seen below
- Click Store Name
- Add Price Breaks
- Click Save
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