Edit products after using Rapid Product Creator
Active Products
- ClickStore Admin
- ClickProducts
Click on theFilter List Iconto refine your product search.
Selection includes:
- Category/Uncategorized
- Manufacturer
- Product Origin (Legacy vs. RPC)
Bulk Actions
- Check boxesnext to products for individual selection
- Select All Products(every product you have active)
- Select Current Page(If you have more than 1 page of products, you can select the page of products you are on.)
Bulk Action Selection
NOTE: Bulk Actions are for RPC created products ONLY.
Click on 'More Actions' (3 dots Icon) to receive the following selection:
- Assign To Category
- Add Custom Size Chart
- Taxable
- Tax Exempt
- Mark as Inactive
- Delete Product
Categorize Product (Individually)
Selectcategory dropdownto assign product to a category.
Edit Product
Theentire lineof the product is clickable. This will take you into the individual product to change its settings.
- Click 'More Actions' next to the product (3 dots Icon)
- ClickEdit Product- Edit/ Add Product Description, Sizes, Personalization, etc.
Other Options:
-Mark as Inactive- Will move your product to an Inactive state
-Delete Product- Remove Product from the store completely
Edit Product
Here you will have 4 Tabs:
- General
- Personalization
- Pricing & Styles
- Advanced
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